Product Launches & Brand Ambassador

Management Report


MAKULO reports maximize your productivity by limiting the amount of time to adapt, adjust and learn from your teams performance. Track and analyze your team during product launches on their social media channels. Learn who is engaging customers and who needs to step it up their game!

The Artificial Intelligence (AI) briefing engine enables you to massively increase your Brand Ambassadors / Influencers / Athletes impact and to not only meet but exceed the overall KPI’s in the desired demographics.

See who’s on it and who is dropping the ball for you. Keep up to date on their social media channels and who is generating the best ROI’s on your team!

Travel Plans change quickly these days. So we created a way to easily outline your teams plans while helping you to adapt and stay flexible. Keep your finger on the pulse with our Analytics & Forecasting options, designed to make team management easy!

The adventures and lifestyle your team lives on a daily basis is a big asset for your team. Maximize your product reach by basing your briefing off Travel Plans and make sure that your products are integrated into the most influential trips!

Keep track of who’s hot and who’s not with Overdue Briefings and Management Reports. Make sure your team is not only on time but on fire. It takes time but once they understand the advantage of this workflow, they will never miss another briefing.

The #1 KPI stat that our clients want to see! The percentage of of requested work that has been completed. No hiding unmotivated team members here. An easy way to see who is performing and who needs to pull up their socks!

A very helpful summary of insights and analytics regarding the teams individual KPI’s. A great place to sit down and break down what’s happening behind the scenes at your brand.


We also generate a similar weekly report to send out to your team!

Your teams Brand Ambassadors / Influencers / Athletes can look at their average reach, engagement, interactions etc. Now included is the “Completion Rate” which is the percentage of of requested work that has been completed. No hiding motivation to do the work here!

The Team Manager needs to know what’s up so they can make the right moves. An intelligent piece of software that makes planning and linking up with their team mates earlier and more efficient than ever before!

Your team can track a lot of statistics and stack themselves up against their team mates in the performance charts to see where the sit in the pack. A pretty motivational piece of software for the top influencers to set themselves apart from the others.

Here the team can pitch upcoming projects and highlight past projects. Having your best projects from last years entered shows the value of what they’re doing off the World Tour and your standard Product Launches. Find out who doesn’t need to have their hand held and can independently make projects happen. It’s also a way to make sure you put extra budget on interesting individual ideas your team has in the future!

A great way for the team to keep track of what’s missing and / or incomplete. Find out if they’re on fire or on ice! It takes time but once they understand the advantage of this workflow, they will never miss another briefing.

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