Make A Dent In The Universe With MAKULO!

Maximize Your Sponsorings

Sponsorship has changed dramatically in the past few years and it’s more of an interaction in terms of showcasing your product. Also, sponsors are looking for ownership stake now in sponsorship from the ground up to create content and have dominance versus being one of many sponsors lost in the clutter.

Increased content, distribution and consumption has had a bifurcated effect. On the one hand, events have less share of voice because of the ability for participants, attendees, sponsors and media entities to efficiently get their message heard, which does increase fragmentation and theoretically spread out ad dollars. And yet on the other hand, this creates a deeper & more frequent engagement with the event, the ability for the event to create their own narrative unbound by geography, and it’s provided a cost-effective means for sponsors to leverage their partnerships to a broader audience. The above, in conjunction with many other areas of innovation within advertising, media and technology is driving more complexity to sponsorship buying and selling, and therefore I would look out to how the gathering, organization and use of data, coupled with technology will facilitate smarter & more cost effective decision making.

In our opinion, influencer marketing will have it’s largest year to date in 2017. Athlete and lifestyle influencer marketing allow two major components to event sponsorships. Current sponsors can activate these influencers to continue the conversation online for a fraction of the cost of traditional ads, while still driving consumers and fans to awareness of new products or campaigns. 


Be Ahead Your Competition

Use Additional Pro Athletes And / Or Influencers To Push Your Event Or Event Sponsorship to The Next Level. Create Micro Campaigns Around The Event. Trigger Your Audience. Increase Sales. Learn More About How To Innovate Your Event Or Sponsorships With MAKULO.

We Love Your Events. Thank You:

World Surf League – X Games  – Kite World Cup – Act Agency – Freeride World Tour  (Image Credits) 




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